Monday, October 8, 2007

What's Your Beef?

To my knowledge being a Democrat means that you tend to have a more liberal stance on most political view points. I realize that because of that stance certain likeminded people flock towards the Democratic Party’s liberal opinions on very passionate principals. Then vola the creation of a stereo type is born. Stereotypes like tree hugging hippies tend to get equated with the environmental movement and then when such movement gets equated with the Democratic Party it all gets garbled and perceived as one big Dead Fest. Just because Al Gore is a democrat and an environmentalist doesn’t mean he should also be a vegetarian. Being a Democrat, an environmentalist, and a vegetarian are all three very different personal choices one person can make, and two out of three isn’t bad.

So when Al Gore decided to grace us with his presence on Monday October 1st his message was met with some unlikely protest. According to Asher Price writer for the Austin American Statesmen, “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals brought a campaign to Austin attacking Gore because he is not a vegetarian. Meat-eating, the group says, is a major cause of global warming”. I think this protest is completely ridiculous. I mean jeez haven’t these people heard the phrase don’t bite the hand that feeds. The man is doing his half, more than his half actually. Heck, I had no idea polar bears were drowning in the arctic as a result of global warming until I watched, An Inconvenient Truth.

The Peta people have always rubbed me the wrong way. First off their pronunciation of the acronym sounds so pretentious, and would make more sense if they pronounced it pƐta. They don’t know how to educate the public civilly and respect peoples personal choices. I am personally not into wearing fur; however if some jackass from peta threw red paint all over my mink coat I would physically make them eat it.

Al Gore has done more for the environmental movement not just as a Democrat with all his years in public service, but as a human being with true conviction for his cause, then any individual peta activist. He is a house hold name and is recognized and respected globally. His decorum earns him and as a result his cause respect. People are more apt to listen to him. Sometimes I think people should rethink how they choose to get their point across and the peta people might just catch more flies with honey then with vinegar. I know plenty of meat eating Democrats who would agree with me here.

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