Monday, October 1, 2007

Is Ron Paul a RINO?

The term ‘RINO’, an acronym for, ‘Republican in Name Only’ is the only educational thing I’ve learned from listening to Rush Limbaugh. In Texas where some people vote Republican because that’s how their parents voted. Being a ‘RINO’ is probably a good way to go to secure an election from people who wouldn’t know a party platform from a party tray. I’ve observed in my own life that for some people here in Texas, being Republican has nothing to do with actually agreeing with the party platform, but is more like a family tradition.

RINO or not, Congressman Paul has some serious crossover appeal. In a recent debate he was the only Republican candidate who was against the war in Iraq. Online according to an Austin American Statesman article, “Alone among the contenders, Paul, a veteran Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, made the case for withdrawing troops. That drew a sharp challenge from Chris Wallace, one of the debate questioners, who asked whether the United States should take its marching orders from al Qaeda. "No! We should take our marching orders from our Constitution," Paul shouted back, pointing his pen at Wallace for emphasis. "We should not go to war without a declaration" by Congress.”

This sort of statement from Paul separates him from the other Republicans running for office. However ideally and theoretically he’s right. That statement strikes to the heart of republican doctrine. Following the laws of this country and the principles of international etiquette are policies that should be held in high esteem.

I watched to debates earlier last week on the local PBS affiliate KLRU and agreed with most of Paul’s answers. His stance on the death penalty and the war on drugs contradict with that of most Republicans. Those are not small issues to have opposing viewpoints on. When running for president most candidates hold tightly to their base and their tried and true beliefs. But in the case with Paul he seems to be playing an angle that just may bring this country together. The United States is not ready for a third party president, so a ‘RINO’ may be just the compromise we can all live with.

A middle of the road president for a middle class country sounds too good to be true. After the last two heartbreaking elections that showed us just how divided we are as a nation. I am not getting my hopes up; I’m just going to cast my ballot.

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