Thursday, October 25, 2007

Crack Under the Pressure

By Noah

Right now at the polls Senator Hillary Clinton is leading her Democrat rival Barack Obama 48%- 17%. She is ahead of Republicans in general-election match ups, with Giuliani behind by 6 percentage points. Giuliani 32% Republican voters backing him, his biggest lead this year. That is twice that of Fred Thompson. I believe this trend will continue throughout the year and the struggles will deepen with a closer look at Americas’ Health Care Reform Resolutions. Democrat Bob Kerrey won’t enter race to replace the retiring Republican Senator Chuck Hagel from Nebraska as so many Democrat supporters had hoped. Would the Democrats fix the ailing Health Care Industry with funds siphoned away from the Defense Department’s War on Iraq? President Bill Clinton vowed to do it and succeeded in lowering medical inflation rates while in office. Old war and is guaranteed to continue … and means big money and contracts. Some support the spread of Democracy throughout Middle Eastern Nations. I myself feel peace will come through talks and a gradual lifting of sanctions.

In the area where previous “party hopper” candidate Giuliani is apparently lacking Hawks help Giuliani to develop his foreign policy objectives. He believes in aggression towards terrorism, and is committed to intensifying military strength. Oddly enough Giuliani seems to share dislike for the United Nations. Strange character development for such an intelligent man. These neoconservative “hawks” are all prominent Republicans, and one Norman Podhoretz cites bombing Iran as soon as logistically possible and Mr. Daniel Pipes claims a much stricter eye should be placed on Muslim Americans in airports and in law enforcement fields. In a recent interview Giuliani reports that he does not feel Iran should be bombed as soon as possible. That is to his credit. Haven’t the Middle Easterners caught in the middle of all this suffered enough already?

U.S. is seeking strictest new sanctions on Iran to punish Iran’s military. Unilateral sanctions with the Revolutionary Guard Corps named as proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and elite Quds Force designated as terrorist supporters. These people want nuclear weapons to protect themselves and what is to say they won’t just blow up Israel and then just turn the gun on the U.S. Bush administration has made clear attitude toward Cuba to remain confrontational amidst problematic relations. Same old communist scare over these two countries still preventing real peace relations programs backing the people from being implemented.

Celebrating the victory of Bobby Jindal, elected governor of Louisiana, President Bush attended fundraiser hosted by Republican Governors Association, just blocks away from the White House. They raised almost ¾ of a million dollars for Republican gubernatorial candidates across the nation. Louisiana, Mississippi and Kentucky are the only states electing governors this year, and both states with Republican incumbents. Polls like LA Times/Bloomberg finding America dissatisfied with Pres. Bush and a Democrat controlled Congress doing nothing for health care. Maybe should large employers help pay for coverage and could health care insurance be mandated? U.S Senate went against Bush’s education and health cuts. President Bush’s drug war plan draws fire in both the U.S. and Mexico.


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