Wednesday, October 31, 2007

WHY the hell not.

Kinky Friedman now claims to be a Democrat, and that he will possibly run for Governor again in 2010. Lets be honest, he IS going to run for Governor again and once again our state will be covered in chic propaganda that will amount to nothing except another loss and more of Kinky's post-election whining.

I can’t help but think that if Kinky had not run for Governor in 2006, Chris Bell would have defeated Rick Perry. He may have run as an Independent , but I will bet most of his votes came from voters who would have voted Democratic otherwise. As a so called Democrat, he will not fare any better, and instead he will have a negative impact on the party.

Part of his appeal in the 2006 race was that he was the kind of anti-political politician, or statesmen as he liked to say. He didn’t conform to party lines, and he didn’t play the typical political game. But, now that he has realized you have to play the game to win, he has just become a radically eccentric politician. One that Texas can’t handle, and even the Democratic Party won’t have a part of.

The Texas Democratic Party has been working hard to regain respect from Texas voters by presenting a dedicated, honest, and moral image. They are at a point where Texans are starting to realize that the Democratic party does in fact represent some of their interests and should therefore be taken at least with some seriousness. Kinky Friedman puts the liberal stereotypes Texans have too often had back into their heads and therefore puts the Democratic Party in jeopardy of losing the ground they have recently worked so hard to achieve. The Democrats simply won’t let that happen and therefore will not nominate Kinky as their candidate. Can you imagine a race between Kinky and Kay Bailey Hutchinson? A gritty, off-kilter Jew versus a clean-cut Christian who has proven experience and statewide likability. Even if Kinky doesn’t get the parties nomination, I have a feeling he will once again be in the race as an Independent, and he will once again take enough votes away from the Democratic candidate to allow the Republican reign to continue. Kinky or not, it is still too earl for the Democratic Party of Texas to win the Governors office unless they can find another Tony Sanchez who can rally the growing Hispanic vote.

So Kinky, please do us all a favor and stick with what you do best, and leave politics to the politicians.

- Garrett

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